Zoning Hearing Board
The Zoning Hearing Board is a semi-judicial body, consisting of three members and up to 3 alternates, all of whom are residents of the Township. Members are appointed by the Board of Commissioners to serve 3 year terms. During their tenure, members of the Zoning Hearing Board are not permitted to hold any other office in the municipality. The board is responsible for:
- Hearing and deciding appeals where it is alleged that the Zoning Officer has erred in applying or interpreting the Zoning Map or the zoning ordinance.
- Hearing and making decisions on special exceptions.
- Authorizing variances from the terms of the Zoning Ordinance, as permitted by the Municipalities Planning Code.
The Zoning Hearing Board meets the 4th Tuesday of each month at 6:00 P.M. A staff assistant is available to answer any questions regarding a Zoning Variance Application during normal business hours. Call 610-777-1343.